Source code for laforge.builder

"""Builder reads and executes tasks and lists of tasks."""

import configparser
import logging
import runpy
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint

import click
import dotenv
import pandas as pd

from . import toolbox
from .sql import Channel, Script, Table, execute

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def show_env(path=None): """Show the calculated generic section environment""" if path: path = Path(path).resolve(strict=True) config_str = path.read_text() location = path.parent else: config_str = "" location = Path(".") task_list = TaskList(from_string=config_str, location=location) pprint(task_list.load_section_config())
[docs]def run_build(script_path, *, log, debug=False, dry_run=False): """laforge's core build command""" path = Path(script_path) if path.is_dir(): path = find_build_config_in_directory(path) start_time = time.time() global logger # pylint: disable=global-statement logger = get_package_logger(log, debug) # THEN set logging -- helps avoid importing pandas at debug level"%s launched.", path) if debug: click.echo("Debug mode is on.") logger.debug("Debug mode is on.") task_list = TaskList(path.read_text(), location=path.parent) if dry_run: task_list.dry_run() else: task_list.execute() elapsed = seconds_since(start_time)"%s completed in %s seconds.", path, elapsed)
def find_build_config_in_directory(path): _acceptable_globs = ["build*.ini", "*laforge*.ini"] build_files = None for fileglob in _acceptable_globs: build_files = list(path.glob(fileglob)) if build_files: break if not build_files: print( "ERROR: No laforge INI (e.g., {eg}) " "found in {dir}. ".format(dir=path, eg=(" or ".join(_acceptable_globs))) ) exit(1) if len(build_files) > 1: print("ERROR: Must specify a laforge INI: {}".format(build_files)) exit(1) return build_files[0] def seconds_since(previous_time, round_to=2): elapsed_raw = time.time() - previous_time if round_to: return round(elapsed_raw, round_to) return elapsed_raw def get_package_logger(log_file, debug): noisiness = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO if noisiness == logging.DEBUG: formatter = logging.Formatter( fmt="{asctime} {name:<20} {lineno:>3}:{levelname:<7} | {message}", style="{", datefmt=r"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", ) else: formatter = logging.Formatter( fmt="{asctime} {levelname:>7} | {message}", style="{", datefmt=r"%H:%M:%S" ) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=log_file) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) handlers = [file_handler, stream_handler] logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, handlers=handlers) logging.getLogger().setLevel(noisiness) new_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) new_logger.debug(f"Logging: {log_file}") return new_logger
[docs]class Verb(Enum): READ = "read" WRITE = "write" EXECUTE = "execute" SHELL = "shell" EXIST = "exist"
def get_verb(raw): translations = {"exists": "exist"} verb = translations[raw] if raw in translations else raw return Verb(verb) def is_verb(raw): try: _ = get_verb(raw) except ValueError: return False return True
[docs]class Target(Enum): CSV = ".csv" DO = ".do" DTA = ".dta" HTML = ".html" JSON = ".json" PICKLE = ".pickle" PY = ".py" SQL = ".sql" XLS = ".xls" XLSX = ".xlsx" RAWQUERY = "SQL query" SQLTABLE = "SQL table" # NONE = None ANY = "(all)" @classmethod def parse(cls, verb, raw_content): assert verb content = str(raw_content).strip() if ";" in content or "\n" in content: return Target.RAWQUERY # print(f"verb {verb} raw_content {raw_content} content {content}") content_suffix = Path(content).suffix.strip().lower() if not content_suffix: return Target.SQLTABLE try: return Target(content_suffix) except ValueError: return Target.SQLTABLE
FileCall = namedtuple("FileCall", ["method", "kwargs"])
[docs]class TaskConstructionError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class TaskExecutionError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class TaskList: """TaskList .. todo:: Implement cache_results=False """ _SQL_KEYS = ["distro", "server", "database", "schema"] _KNOWN_DIRS = {f"{verb.value}_dir": verb for verb in Verb} def __init__(self, from_string, location="."): self.parser = configparser.ConfigParser( interpolation=configparser.ExtendedInterpolation(), strict=False ) self.parser.read_string(from_string) self.location = Path(location).resolve(strict=True) self.config = self.load_section_config("DEFAULT") self.tasks = list(self.load_tasks()) logger.debug("Loaded %s tasks.", len(self.tasks)) self.prior_results = None def load_tasks(self): skip_to_start = self.parser.has_section("start") if skip_to_start: logger.warning("Starting execution at section [start].") for section in self.parser: if skip_to_start: if section != "start": continue skip_to_start = False if section == self.parser.default_section: continue logger.debug("Loading section %s", section) if section.lower() in ("stop", "halt", "quit", "exit"): logger.warning( "Will only execute until -- and not including -- " "the section titled [%s].", section, ) break section_config = self.load_section_config(section) section_config["section"] = section # Each section can have up to 1 of each verb as a key for option in self.parser[section]: if not is_verb(option): continue raw_content = self.parser[section][option] if raw_content is None: continue templated_content = self.template_content(raw_content, section_config) task = Task.from_strings( raw_verb=option, raw_content=templated_content, config=section_config, ) logger.debug(task) yield task @classmethod def template_content(cls, content, config): new_content = str(content).strip() # Passing content through a formatter # Allows, e.g., read = {write_dir}/output.csv if "{" in new_content or "}" in new_content: # print(content) # print("presto change-o") formattable_config = {k: v for k, v in config.items() if isinstance(k, str)} new_content = new_content.format(**formattable_config) # print(new_content) return new_content
[docs] def load_section_config(self, section="DEFAULT"): """Put together config from env, TaskList config, section config""" specified_build = Path(self.parser[section].get("build_dir", ".")) build_dir = self.location / specified_build section_config = {} section_config["build_dir"] = build_dir.resolve(strict=True) dotenv.load_dotenv(build_dir) env_config = dotenv.dotenv_values() tasklist_config = dict(self.parser["DEFAULT"]) raw_section_config = dict(self.parser[section]) from collections import ChainMap chained_dicts = ChainMap(raw_section_config, tasklist_config, env_config) collapsed_dict = dict(chained_dicts) # Load in SQL section_config["sql"] = {k: collapsed_dict.get(k) for k in self._SQL_KEYS if k} # Load in directories section_config["dir"] = {} for human, robot in self._KNOWN_DIRS.items(): section_config["dir"][robot] = build_dir / collapsed_dict.get(human, ".") # section_config[human] = section_config["dir"][robot] ignorables = self._SQL_KEYS + list(self._KNOWN_DIRS) + list(section_config) section_config.update( {k: v for k, v in collapsed_dict.items() if k not in ignorables} ) return section_config
[docs] def execute(self): """Execute each task in the list. .. todo:: Restore quiet? """ n_tasks = len(self) for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks): log_prefix = f"Task {i + 1} of {n_tasks}: " log_intro = f"{log_prefix}{task.identifier} {task.description}" # rotate results during implementation self.prior_results = task.implement(self.prior_results) logger.debug("%s complete", log_prefix)
[docs] def dry_run(self): """List each task in the list. """ for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks):"{(i + 1):>2}/{len(self)}: {str(task)}")
def __len__(self): return len(self.tasks) def __repr__(self): return "<{} - {} - ({} tasks)>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.location, len(self) )
class Task: _universal_handlers = {} _handlers = {} @classmethod def from_strings(cls, *, raw_verb, raw_content, config=None): if not config: config = {} identifier = f"{config.get('section', '')}.{raw_verb}" verb = get_verb(raw_verb) if verb in cls._universal_handlers: target = Target.ANY # No need to try to parse content. else: # target = cls.determine_target(verb, raw_content) target = Target.parse(verb, raw_content) handler = cls._get_handler(verb, target) return handler( identifier=identifier, verb=verb, target=target, content=raw_content, config=config, ) @classmethod def from_qualified(cls, verb, target, content, config=None, identifier=None): handler = cls._get_handler(verb, target) if not identifier: identifier = "TBD" return handler( identifier=identifier, verb=verb, target=target, content=content, config=config, ) @classmethod def _get_handler(cls, verb, target): try: handler = cls._universal_handlers.get(verb) or cls._handlers[(verb, target)] except KeyError: raise TaskConstructionError( "No handler for verb <{}>, target <{}>".format(verb, target) ) return handler @classmethod def register(cls, verb, target=Target.ANY): def decorator(delegate): if target is Target.ANY: cls._universal_handlers[verb] = delegate # cls._handlers[verb] = delegate else: cls._handlers[(verb, target)] = delegate return delegate return decorator def implement(self, prior_results=None): """Must be implemented by registered classe(s)""" raise NotImplementedError @property def identifier(self): """Must be implemented by registered classe(s)""" raise NotImplementedError @property def description(self): """Must be implemented by registered classe(s)""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BaseTask: """Create a task to (verb) (something) .. todo:: if ":" in self.content: previous_result_key, actual_path_content = self.content.split(":") """ def __init__(self, *, identifier, verb, target, content, config): """ Initialize Task. """ self.identifier = identifier self.verb = verb = target self.content = content self.config = config self.description = config.get("description", "") def implement(self, prior_results=None): raise NotImplementedError @property def path(self): """For handlers where dir[verb] + content = path""" print(self.config) parent = Path(self.config["dir"].get(self.verb, ".")) return parent / self.content def validate_results(self, results): if results is None: raise TaskExecutionError( "No prior results available for {} to write to {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.path ) ) @property def short_content(self): if " " not in self.content: return self.content return textwrap.shorten(repr(self.content), 80) def __str__(self): # return repr(self) + "hi" return f"{self.identifier:<30} {<10} {self.content}" def __repr__(self): return "<{}({}, {}, '{}')>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.verb,, self.short_content )
[docs]@Task.register(Verb.READ, Target.CSV) @Task.register(Verb.READ, Target.DTA) @Task.register(Verb.READ, Target.XLS) @Task.register(Verb.READ, Target.XLSX) class FileReader(BaseTask): filetypes = { Target.CSV: FileCall( method="read_csv", kwargs={"keep_default_na": False, "na_values": [""]} ), Target.DTA: FileCall(method="read_stata", kwargs={}), Target.XLS: FileCall(method="read_excel", kwargs={"dtype"}), Target.XLSX: FileCall(method="read_excel", kwargs={"dtype"}), } def implement(self, prior_results=None): logger.debug("Reading %s", self.path) method, kwargs = self.filetypes[] print(self.path) df = getattr(pd, method)(self.path, **kwargs)"Read %s", self.path) return df
[docs]@Task.register(Verb.EXECUTE, Target.PY) class InternalPythonExecutor(BaseTask): """Execute (without importing) Python script by path This will set `__main__ = 'laforge'` ..todo :: Allow implict/explicit return of results. """ def implement(self, prior_results=None): logger.debug("Running %s", self.path) runpy.run_path( str(self.path), init_globals={"config": self.config, "prior_results": prior_results}, run_name="laforge", )"Executed: %s", self.path)
[docs]@Task.register(Verb.SHELL) class ShellExecutor(BaseTask): def implement(self, prior_results=None): logger.debug("Executing: %s", self.content) run_cmd( full_command=self.content.split(" "), cwd=self.config["dir"][Verb.SHELL], shell=True, )"Executed: %s", self.content)
def run_cmd(full_command, cwd=None, shell=False): return, cwd=cwd, shell=shell, check=True)
[docs]@Task.register(Verb.EXECUTE, Target.DO) class StataExecutor(BaseTask): def implement(self, prior_results=None): stata_exe = Path(self.config["stata_executable"]) assert stata_exe.exists() do_parameters = self.config.get("stata_parameters", []) do_path = self.path.absolute()"Executing %s", do_path) stata_command_list = [stata_exe, "/e", "do", do_path] + do_parameters full_command = [str(x) for x in stata_command_list] run_cmd(full_command=full_command, cwd=do_path.parent, shell=False)"Executed: %s", do_path)
[docs]@Task.register(Verb.READ, Target.RAWQUERY) @Task.register(Verb.EXECUTE, Target.RAWQUERY) class SQLQueryReader(BaseTask): def implement(self, prior_results=None): logger.debug("Reading from %s", self.short_content) fetch = "df" if self.verb is Verb.EXECUTE: fetch = False df = execute(self.content, channel=Channel(**self.config["sql"]), fetch=fetch)"Read in from %s", self.short_content) return df
[docs]@Task.register(Verb.EXECUTE, Target.SQL) class SQLExecutor(BaseTask): def implement(self, prior_results=None): query = self.path.read_text() query_len = query.count("\n") logger.debug(f"Query for execution is {query_len} lines long.") sql_script = Script(query, channel=Channel(**self.config["sql"])) sql_script.execute() logger.debug("Executed: %s", self.content)
[docs]@Task.register(Verb.READ, Target.SQLTABLE) @Task.register(Verb.WRITE, Target.SQLTABLE) class SQLReaderWriter(BaseTask): def implement(self, prior_results=None): table = Table(self.content, channel=Channel(**self.config["sql"])) if self.verb is Verb.WRITE: logger.debug("Writing %s", table) self.validate_results(prior_results) table.write(prior_results)"Wrote %s", table) return None logger.debug("Reading %s", table) df ="Read %s", table) return df
[docs]@Task.register(Verb.WRITE, Target.CSV) @Task.register(Verb.WRITE, Target.DTA) @Task.register(Verb.WRITE, Target.HTML) @Task.register(Verb.WRITE, Target.XLSX) class FileWriter(BaseTask): """Handles all tasks writing to file.""" filetypes = { Target.CSV: FileCall(method="to_csv", kwargs={"index": False}), Target.DTA: FileCall(method="to_stata", kwargs={"write_index": False}), Target.HTML: FileCall( method="to_html", kwargs={"show_dimensions": True, "justify": "left", "index": False}, ), Target.XLSX: FileCall(method="to_excel", kwargs={"index": False}), } def implement(self, prior_results=None): logger.debug("Writing %s", self.path) self.validate_results(prior_results) self.write(path=self.path,, df=prior_results)"Wrote %s", self.path) @classmethod def write(cls, *, path, target, df): logger.debug( f"Preparing to write {len(df):,} rows, {len(df.columns)} columns to {path}" ) # Weirdly, this affects html output as well pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 100) if df.empty: logger.warning(f"Writing an empty dataset to {path}") toolbox.prepare_to_access(path) method, kwargs = cls.filetypes[target] getattr(df, method)(path, **kwargs)
[docs]@Task.register(Verb.EXIST) class ExistenceChecker(BaseTask): def implement(self, prior_results=None): # Ensure that some content exists in these lines lines = [s for s in self.content.splitlines() if s.strip()] assert lines, "Accidental blank line?" for line in lines: target = Target.parse(self.verb, line) logger.debug(f"Verifying that {line} ({target}) exists...") if target is Target.SQLTABLE: self._check_existence_sql_table(line) elif target is Target.RAWQUERY: self._check_existence_sql_raw_query(line) else: self._check_existence_path(line)"Verified that {line} exists.") def _check_existence_path(self, line): path = self.config["dir"][Verb.EXIST] / line if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(path) def _check_existence_sql_table(self, line): table = Table(line, channel=Channel(**self.config["sql"])) assert table.exists() def _check_existence_sql_raw_query(self, line): df = execute(line, channel=Channel(**self.config["sql"]), fetch="df") assert not df.empty
""" Copyright 2019 Matt VanEseltine. This file is part of laforge. laforge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. laforge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with laforge. If not, see <>. """