Source code for laforge.sql

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""SQL utilities for mid-level interaction. Inspired by pathlib; powered by SQLALchemy.

.. note::

    Supported: MSSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite.
    Supportable: Firebird, Oracle, Sybase.


import logging
import re
import textwrap

import pandas as pd
import pyparsing
import sqlalchemy as sa

from . import toolbox

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SQLTableNotFound(Exception): pass
[docs]class SQLChannelNotFound(Exception): pass
[docs]class SQLIdentifierProblem(ValueError): pass
[docs]class Channel: """Abstraction from Engine, other static details.""" known_engines = {} known_channels = {} def __init__( self, distro, *, server=None, database=None, schema=None, **engine_kwargs ): from .distros import Distro self.distro = Distro.get(distro) self.server = server self.database = database self.schema = schema self.engine = self._construct_engine(**engine_kwargs) self.save_engine() self.metadata = sa.MetaData(bind=self.engine, schema=self.schema) if self.metadata.bind.url.database: self.database = self.metadata.bind.url.database try: self.inspector = sa.inspect(self.engine) except sa.exc.DBAPIError: logger.warning("Ignoring pretend table.") @classmethod def grab(cls): if not cls.known_channels: raise SQLChannelNotFound("No known SQL channels exist.") if len(cls.known_channels) == 1: return next(iter(cls.known_channels.values())) raise SQLChannelNotFound("Cannot select from more than one SQL channel.") def _construct_engine(self, **engine_kwargs): existing_engine = self.retrieve_engine() if existing_engine: return existing_engine return self.distro.create_engine( server=self.server, database=self.database, engine_kwargs=engine_kwargs ) def retrieve_engine(self): return self._retrieve_engine(repr(self)) @classmethod def _retrieve_engine(cls, key): return cls.known_engines.get(key) def save_engine(self): self._save_engine(self, repr(self), self.engine) @classmethod def _save_engine(cls, channel, key, engine): if key not in cls.known_engines: cls.known_engines[key] = engine if engine not in cls.known_channels: cls.known_channels[engine] = channel
[docs] def execute_statement(self, statement, fetch=False): """Execute SQL (core method) .. todo:: De-messify """ statement = self.clean_up_statement(statement) assert fetch in ("df", "tuples", False) if fetch == "df": try: return pd.read_sql(statement, con=self.engine) except Exception as err: logger.error( "Error reading SQL to DF using %s\nExecuting:\n\n%s\n\n", self.engine, statement, ) raise err final_result = None with self.engine.connect() as cnxn: with cnxn.begin() as transxn: try: result = cnxn.execution_options(autocommit=True).execute(statement) if fetch == "tuples": final_result = result.fetchall() finally: transxn.commit() return final_result
@staticmethod def clean_up_statement(s): s = s.strip() for quote_char in ('"', "'"): while s.startswith(quote_char) and s.endswith(quote_char): s = s.strip(quote_char) return s def find(self, object_pattern="%", schema_pattern="%"): return self.distro.find( channel=self, object_pattern=object_pattern, schema_pattern=schema_pattern ) def __hash__(self): return hash( str(x) for x in (self.distro, self.server, self.database, self.schema) if x ) def __eq__(self, other): return hash(self) == hash(other) def __repr__(self): pieces = ";".join( str(x) for x in (self.distro, self.server, self.database, self.schema) if x ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({pieces})"
[docs]def execute(statement, fetch=False, channel=None): """Convenience method, autofetches Channel if possible""" if not channel: channel = Channel.grab() return channel.execute_statement(statement, fetch=fetch)
[docs]class Script: """SQL query string, parsable by 'go' separation and execute()able.""" BATCH_TERMINATOR = "go" _batch_borders = re.compile(r"\n[^\w;\d-]*go\W*?\n", flags=re.IGNORECASE) _terminating_batch_terminator = re.compile(r"(?<=\W)(go\W*)+$", flags=re.IGNORECASE) _terminating_semicolon = re.compile(r"[\s;]+$") def __init__(self, query, channel=None): if not channel: channel = Channel.grab() = channel self.query = query self._query_string = self._remove_comments(query) self.parsed = self._parse(self._query_string) @classmethod def _remove_comments(cls, input_string): lines = cls._remove_multiline_sql_comment(input_string).splitlines() new_lines = (cls._remove_double_dash_sql_comment(l) for l in lines) return "\n".join(new_lines) def _parse(self, query): flattened_group = toolbox.flatten(self._construct_statements(query)) return [s for s in flattened_group if self._is_useful_statement(s)] def _construct_statements(self, query): return [ self._normalize_batch_end(batch) for batch in self._break_into_batches(query) ] def _break_into_batches(self, query): """.. todo:: Parse multiple go in a row more elegantly, avoid injecting line breaks. Cf. _format_statement """ batches = self._batch_borders.split(query) return [batch.strip() for batch in batches] @classmethod def _normalize_batch_end(cls, batch): batch = batch.strip() batch = cls._terminating_semicolon.sub("", batch) batch = cls._terminating_batch_terminator.sub(r"", batch) batch = cls._terminating_semicolon.sub("", batch) return batch + ";" @staticmethod def _is_useful_statement(s): return re.findall("[A-Za-z]", s) @staticmethod def _remove_multiline_sql_comment(input_string): cleansed = ( pyparsing.nestedExpr("/*", "*/").suppress().transformString(input_string) ) return cleansed @staticmethod def _remove_double_dash_sql_comment(single_line): double_dash_pattern = re.compile(r"\s*?--.*") return double_dash_pattern.sub("", single_line) # Public API
[docs] def execute(self, statements=None): """Execute itsel(f|ves)""" statements = statements or self.parsed for i, statement in enumerate(statements): logger.debug( "Executing statement %s of %s, %s lines long: %s", i + 1, len(statements), statement.count("\n") + 1, textwrap.shorten(statement, 80), )
[docs] def to_table(self): """Executes all and tries to return a DataFrame for the result of the final query. This is one of two ways that laforge retrieves tables. .. warning:: This is limited by the capacity of Pandas to retrieve only the final result. For Microsoft SQL Server, if a lengthy set of queries is desired, the most reliable approach appears to be a single final query after a 'go' as a batch gterminator. .. warning:: This will rename columns that do not conform to naming standards. """ assert isinstance(self.query, str) logger.debug("Executing SQL: %s", textwrap.shorten(self.query, 80)) logger.debug( "%s queries prior to retrieval; final for df is %s chars long.", len(self.parsed[:-1]), len(self.parsed[-1]), ) for stmt in self.parsed[:-1]:, fetch=False) df =[-1], fetch="df") rows, cols = df.shape logger.debug("Received %s rows, %s columns.", rows, cols) df = fix_bad_columns(df) return df
def read(self): return self.to_table() def __len__(self): return len(self.parsed) def __str__(self): return "Script: " + "\n".join(q for q in self.parsed) def __repr__(self): return "<{} of {} statement{}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, len(self), ["s", ""][len(self) == 1] )
[docs]class Table: """Represents a SQL table, featuring methods to read/write DataFrames. .. todo :: Factor out to superclass to allow views """ def __init__(self, name, channel=None, **kwargs): = channel if channel else Channel.grab() self.metadata = self.distro = identifiers = self._parse_args(name, kwargs) for keyword in self.distro.minimal_keywords: if not identifiers.get(keyword): raise SQLIdentifierProblem( f"Valid {keyword} required from %s", identifiers ) self.__server = self.__database = identifiers.get("database", self.__schema = identifiers.get("schema", try: self.__name = identifiers["name"] except KeyError: raise SQLIdentifierProblem("Must provide table name.") self.__metal = None @property def metal(self): if self.__metal is None: self.__metal = sa.Table(, self.metadata, autoload=True,, extend_existing=True, ) return self.__metal @property def identifiers(self): return { "server": self.__server, "database": self.__database, "schema": self.__schema, "name": self.__name, } @property def server(self): return self.__server @property def database(self): return self.__database @property def schema(self): return self.__schema @property def name(self): return self.__name def _parse_args(self, name, kwargs): id_dict = { "schema": kwargs.get("schema",, "database": kwargs.get("database",, "server": kwargs.get("server",, } parts_dict = { k: v for k, v in zip( ["name", "schema", "database", "server"], reversed(name.split(".")) ) if v } id_dict.update(parts_dict) for key in id_dict: if not key or key in self.distro.untouchable_identifiers: continue id_dict[key] = self._remove_irrelevant_details(id_dict[key]) Identifier(id_dict[key]).check() return id_dict @staticmethod def _remove_irrelevant_details(raw): if not raw: return raw s = str(raw) if s.startswith("[") and s.endswith("]"): return s.lstrip("[").rstrip("]") return s # API def exists(self): insp = sa.inspect( tables = insp.get_table_names(schema=self.schema or None) return in tables def resolve(self, strict=False): if strict and not self.exists(): raise SQLTableNotFound("{} does not exist.".format(self)) return self.distro.resolver.format(**self.identifiers)
[docs] def write(self, df, if_exists="replace"): """From DataFrame, create a new table and fill it with values""" if df.empty: raise RuntimeError("DataFrame to write is empty!") if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise RuntimeError(f"Can only write DataFrame, not {type(df)}") if "" in df.columns: df = fix_bad_columns(df) dtypes = self.distro.determine_dtypes(df) df.to_sql(,, schema=self.schema or None, # sqlite can't use "" or it craps out if_exists=if_exists, index=False, dtype=dtypes, )
[docs] def read(self): """Return the full table as a DataFrame""" select_all =[self.metal]) return pd.read_sql(select_all, con=self.metadata.bind)
[docs] def drop(self, ignore_existence=False): """Delete the table within SQL""" if self.exists(): self.metal.drop() elif not ignore_existence: raise SQLTableNotFound(self) assert not self.exists() logger.debug("%s dropped.", self)
@property def columns(self): return self.metal.columns def __len__(self): count_query =[sa.func.count()]).select_from(self.metal) return int(Scalar(self.metadata.bind.execute(count_query))) def __str__(self): return self.resolve(strict=False) def __repr__(self): return f"Table('{self}')" def __eq__(self, other): return hash(self) == hash(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.metal)
[docs]class Scalar: """Little helper to produce clearly typed single (upper left) ResultProxy result.""" def __init__(self, prox): self.item = prox.first()[0] prox.close() def __int__(self): return int(self.item) def __str__(self): return str(self.item)
[docs]class Identifier: """Single standardized variable/database/schema/table/column/anything identifier. .. todo:: class InvalidIdentifierError relay_id_problem(identifier, action, reason=None, replacement=None) """ # A-Z, a-z, 0-9, @ # $ _ mostly okay for table name following first letter VALID_CHARACTERS_AFTER_FIRST = r"[\w@_#$]+" # Unless it's the first character, which can't be a number or $ # So a complete name needs to be a block starting with a proper lead character # and (possibly) continuing with valid characters VALID_NAME_PATTERN = r"[A-Za-z@_#][\w@_#$]*" WHITELIST = [":memory:", "tables"] BLACKLIST = ["?column?", ""] def __init__(self, user_input, extra=None): """ :param user_input: Something that can be converted into a useful string. :param extra: Additional something that could be usefully appended/exchanged with the native identifier. .. todo:: Can this be fully idempotent? .. todo:: Re-validate fallbacks? """ self.original = user_input self.extra = extra stringed_input = str(self.original) try: self._leading_underscore = stringed_input.strip().startswith("_") except AttributeError: raise SQLIdentifierProblem( "String or stringlike object required, not {}.".format(stringed_input) ) if stringed_input in self.WHITELIST: self.normalized = stringed_input elif str(stringed_input) in self.BLACKLIST: self.normalized = self._normalize("") else: self.normalized = self._normalize(stringed_input) def check(self): if self.normalized != self.original: logger.debug( "Identifier [%s] suggested normalization: [%s].", self.original, self.normalized, ) def _normalize(self, working): working = self._replace_characters(working) working = self._fix(working) working = self._stylize(working) working = self._shorten(working) working = self._amend(working) return working @classmethod def _replace_characters(cls, attempt, replacement="_"): # Strip out non-valid characters, replace with replacement attempt = replacement.join( re.findall(cls.VALID_CHARACTERS_AFTER_FIRST, attempt) ) return attempt def _fix(self, s): hit =, s) if hit: return # Lack of match: no usable first character (could be blank/all specials) if self.extra is None: raise SQLIdentifierProblem( "Could not create a useful name out of empty: {}".format(s) ) fixed = self._force_fix(s, self.extra) logger.warning( "Could not parse a useful name from: [%s], replaced with: [%s]", s, fixed ) return fixed @staticmethod def _force_fix(name, extra): if not name: return "column_{}".format(extra) if not name[0].isalpha(): return "column_{}".format(name) return name def _stylize(self, attempt): # Don't add a leading underscore if it wasn't there already (junk replacement) if not self._leading_underscore: attempt = attempt.lstrip("_") return attempt @staticmethod def _shorten(s, max_length=62, warning_length=255): """Cut off lengthy identifiers. .. note :: SQL Server allows 128 (116 for temp); postgre 63, MySQL 64. This currently uses 62 as a lowest common denominator. :param attempt: :param max_length: (Default value = 62) :param warning_length: (Default value = 255) """ shortened = s[:max_length] if shortened == s: return s display_wings = (max_length + 6) // 2 display = f"{s[:display_wings]}[...]{s[-display_wings:]}" if len(s) >= warning_length: logger.warning("Too long to be a reasonable identifier name: %s", display) logger.warning("Truncated [%s] into [%s].", display, shortened) return shortened @classmethod def _amend(cls, s, suffix="_"): """ :param attempt: :param suffix: (Default value = "_") """ initial_attempt = s while toolbox.is_reserved_word(s): s = s + suffix assert len(s) > len(initial_attempt) if initial_attempt != s: logger.debug("Reserved word '%s' amended to '%s'", initial_attempt, s) return s def __str__(self): return self.normalized
def fix_bad_columns(df): badnames = set(Identifier.BLACKLIST).intersection(df.columns) leading_numbers = any(x for x in df.columns if x[:1].isdigit()) if not badnames and not leading_numbers: return df new_columns = [Identifier(c, extra=i).normalized for i, c in enumerate(df.columns)] new_df = df.set_axis(labels=new_columns, axis="columns", inplace=False) return new_df """ Copyright 2019 Matt VanEseltine. This file is part of laforge. laforge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. laforge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with laforge. If not, see <>. """